Monday, November 25, 2013

WHERES OUR COMMON SENSE? I mean The City Council of San Rafael, California


Government isn’t content to control public behavior, it is now clamping down on how citizens act at home, as well.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that the city council of San Rafael, California has passed an ordinance prohibiting smoking inside residences with shared walls. This would include, of course, apartments, condominiums, duplexes, and other multi-family dwellings.

The ordinance was passed in October 2012, but did not go into effect until November 14, 2013.

According to a statement made by the city council on the city’s official website, the new regulation strengthens “the City’s municipal code to further protect the community from secondhand smoke.”

In particular, the ordinance “applies to all new and existing properties and does not allow grandfathering rights. Landlords and property owners are required to enforce this ordinance through new lease language or lease amendments as well as posting signage.”

The ordinance may be the strictest in the country, and city officials are proud to be out front on the issue. Breitbart News quoted Rebecca Woodbury, "an analyst in the San Rafael's city manager's office who helped write the ordinance," as boasting: "I'm not aware of any ordinance that's stronger."

And the Blaze revealed:

The city’s mayor, Gary Phillips, is apparently well-aware of the leadership role San Rafael may have given itself with the decision. He said that the city is “happy to blaze a trail” before the vote took place.

“We’re most happy to be in the forefront of the issue because we think it will greatly benefit our residents and those visiting San Rafael, and we think it will set the tone for other cities as well,” the mayor proclaimed.

The Breitbart News story reported on the opposition to this alarming intrusion into the sanctity of the home:

"The science for that is spurious at best," said George Koodray, the state coordinator for Citizens Freedom Alliance and the Smoker's Club in New Jersey.

Steve Stanek, a research fellow at the free-market oriented policy group Heartland Institute in Chicago, supported the rights of smokers.

Stanek, a non-smoker, said, "My sympathies aren't with smokers because I am one, it's because of the huge growth in laws and punishments and government restricting people more and more.”

Beyond the city’s reliance on questionable science, the violation of the “Takings Clause” of the Constitution may actually be actionable.

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads, in relevant part, “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Over the years, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed down several decisions aimed at defining the scope of the so-called Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

An article from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law reports:

The Court has had a difficult time articulating a test to determine when a regulation becomes a taking.  It has said there is "no set formula" and that courts "must look to the particular circumstances of the case."  The Court has identified some relevant factors to consider: the economic impact of the regulation, the degree to which the regulation interferes with investor-backed expectations, and the character of the government action.

By applying the ordinance to owners and renters, an argument can be made that its enforcement will impact the ability of investors to receive a return on their investment in property within San Rafael. Where once owners could sign leases with any citizen, regardless of their smoking preference, that property will now be restricting to renting to those who do not smoke. That may be fine going forward, but considering the “no grandfathering” clause of the ordinance, many of those who have purchased buildings as investment income property will now see their ability to achieve occupancy severely reduced by an overzealous local government.

As the ordinance has only been in effect for about 10 days as this is being written, it seems that local land owners would have a cause of action against the San Rafael city council. Should the owners of apartments, condos, and all other residences that contain units that share walls be able to demonstrate that their property rights have been diminished by the city council without the “just compensation” required by the Constitution, then the ordinance would be subject to being struck down.

Should the ordinance be enforced as written, owners of qualifying property will find themselves unable to use their property as intended and unable to recover for their losses.

There are those opponents of the ordinance who have chosen, unfortunately, to focus on the soundness of the science rather than on the assault on the fundamental right of property.

In the long run, health risks identified by science or by “science” will change. There will rarely be consensus on such issues, particularly when forces on both sides have billions of dollars to pour into competing studies (Michael Bloomberg and the tobacco industry, for example).

What does not change, however, and is not subject to contemporary or corporate manipulation, is the sacrosanct place afforded property in the Anglo-American legal tradition.

Proponents of the law point to the “nuisance exception” that the Supreme Court has established. Put simply, the high court has ruled that the right to injury neighbors is not covered by the Takings Clause, and thus need not be compensated for should the government decided to regulate the injurious behavior.

This has gone too far, however.

Writing for the Cato Institute, Roger Pilon explains the potential for abuse of the nuisance exception to the Takings Clause:

In defining the nuisance exception, therefore, care must be taken to tie it to a realistic conception of rights, which the classic common law more or less did. Thus, uses that injure a neighbor through various forms of pollution (e.g., by particulate matter, noises, odors, vibrations, etc.) or through exposure to excessive risk count as classic common-law nuisances because they violate the neighbor’s rights. They can be prohibited, with no compensation owing to those who are thus restricted.

By contrast, uses that “injure” one’s neighbor through economic competition, say, or by blocking “his” view (which runs over your property) or offending his aesthetic sensibilities are not nuisances because they violate no rights the neighbor can claim. Nor will it do to simply declare, through positive law, that such goods are “rights.”

Indeed, that is the route that has brought us to where we are today. After all, every regulation has some reason behind it, some “good” the regulation seeks to bring about. If all such goods were pursued under the police power—as a matter of right—then the owners from whom the goods were taken would never be compensated. The police power would simply eat up the compensation requirement.

And that is where the citizens of San Rafael find themselves today. The city council has unconstitutionally exercised the police power and has “eaten up” the protected property rights of owners of multi-family dwellings.

Although the fight wouldn’t be an easy one, property owners in San Rafael affected by the newly enforced ordinance would be wise to stand against their local government’s deprivation of their right to enjoy their property. When regulations run amok, property rights are almost always the victim.

Monday, November 18, 2013

you tube down

you tube down

10 Reasons Women Should Cook Dinner


(1) Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing happy faces at the dinner table.

When a woman has taken the care to provide a warm home cooked meal instead of sitting on her fat can all day updating her facebook status or blogging about the latest viral topic, family values win. She can be confident in her efforts. Studies show that facebook is a depressant. For women, it is important to avoid self-defeating behaviors like facebook.
People on the internet will attempt to divert her attention, perhaps even engage her. Women are very intrigued by drama and may soon forget her real duties to make a delicious meal for her family.
Like all circles of pain, the cycle of grief from dashed dinner expectations is repeated over and over until children are left hollow eyed and empty. No woman should allow something as insignificant as the internet stand between dinner and her children.
Children only have one childhood. The internet has both ones and zeros.

Save on clean-up time by sharing dinner duties with a friend. Avoid skanky whores that just want to talk about how handsome and successful your husband is. Lace their pudding with some laxative sprinkles to shut that shade down.


(2) From the womb to the tomb, it is a woman’s obligation to serve delicious meals on time and in quantities that satisfy her husband and family.

When a man and woman marry, two become one household. As the woman, you will be carrying the family heritage in your belly soon. Even if a woman is a single mother, providing for the progeny is a natural law that even cats follow.
Numerous stories can be found where cats have courageously fought bears, large dogs or fire to save starving kittens. Everyone has observed at least one mother cat rummaging through a dumpster for a few morsels of food. A woman’s instinct for survival should be laser focused on caring for the family.
If it isn’t, there’s something wrong with her. Fixing dinner should be a primary, not secondary priority.

(3) Aprons are Woman’s Confidence Builders for a Strong Marriage.

Marriage is not just about sex. Yes, many preparation and cleaning kitchen duties like dish washing can be performed naked in a way similar to sex, but with knives and chemicals it is probably not safe to do so.
Wearing an apron gives an air of authority. Like a military uniform, a lady is the guardian of the keep. Her sword may be a butcher’s blade, but she is no desk jockey. She commands an army of appliances with leadership. Pride is something that arms her.
Cooking dinner, meeting that deadline day after day builds confidence in a woman. She’s her own boss, the decider of the kitchen. If she can succeed there, she can do anything!

No-No Mommy Blogger – Don’t serve your family fried chicken from some drive thru place. You are putting your family at risk! Get off your can, don’t plop down a bucket!


(4) Women are less likely to become unhinged, or crazy, if they cook dinner regularly.

Trying to swim against the current of instinct and obligation is damaging. A woman’s brain and endocrine systems are not sufficiently developed for such tasks. The stress of missing dinner preparation on a regular basis is a primary cause of fatigue in women.
With so much at stake, why do women fail their families?
Unfortunately, many women will cast aside dinner duty for “fun” activities like engaging in gossip, snide remarks or body shaming on the Internet  Some will spend their time creating drama for their next social hissy fit, talking on the telephone. It is no consequence that the number of emotional outbursts have increased in the past few years. Part of avoiding emotive flash bombs is to take care the physical needs.

(5) Women are mental creatures with physical needs.

One of a woman’s needs is to be a lively, productive part of a healthy family. Health begins with fuel or nourishment. Those bellies don’t fill themselves, Mrs. Mammy-Blogger. It is up to a wife and mother to provide that fuel, and not with that cheap stuff. A premium lady and her family need premium fuel.
Luckily, premium doesn't mean expensive to Daddy’s pocketbook.
Cooking at home means less financial cost. Ladies in the kitchen, can save time and money with home prepared meals. Fresh fruits and vegetables, in season, are usually available at the market. Canning when at the peak of harvest means less salt and sugar. Observing other helpful tips like not wearing shoes in the kitchen saves on floor wear.

(6) Eating out is for whores and ladies without a good man to cook for.

Several trends in food preparation have caused more harm than good. A fungal like replication of fast food sources across America has left very little variety and poor food choices. High fat and salt content means that those mayonnaise heavy casseroles of the 60's and 70's are positively healthy today.
If you’re going to put this food in your body, make it count for everybody. Make something nourishing rather than just fast!

(7) Fast foods are often sprinkled with rat droppings or condiments like male sex juice.

The US federal government and some sovereign states have rules for food safety. These rules are prohibitive for business. Food companies must pay workers less in order to make a profit under these rules. The workers in turn become angry and drop a rat or two in that vat of spaghetti sauce headed to your table. Isn’t it better to make these things at home rather than risk being a victim of jackboot federal regulation?
Even a burger from a locally sourced diner can be laced with the sexual ju-ju from a worker employed under a penal release jobs program. As the customer, you cannot choose who assembles your quarter jack bacon tower. It could be a potted up teen or an angry immigrant. Both are known for chronic masturbation and poor hygiene.It is better to cook and prepare at home and avoid being a victim of international conflict or pregnancy.

(8) Preparing a meals yourself leads to a more honest and authentic life.

Too many overly modern ladies have accepted the myth of Wonder Woman. Women are not born with secret powers. There is no such thing as a golden truth lasso. Although an accomplished cook can woo a man into telling the truth. Chicken fried steak with white peppered gravy, green beans, fried potatoes and a slice of spice cake is the key to keeping marriage honest, especially when followed with a bouncy round of barefoot sex in the kitchen. Remember to wait an hour, don’t want to get cramps.Imagine the proud housewife that has this on the table.

(9) Cooking at home is more healthy.

It is a common myth that American’s eat more healthily today than in decades past. Consider the fact that we have fewer fat people in America today than in the 1970's. That might have been due to the drugs, but even druggies cooked a meal instead of ordering a pizza. Also, while the extrusion process for Funyun manufacture was developed in 1969, the cultural pop wave did not take root until the 1990's. Sales of the snack food were mostly in the South west region.
Watch out for high fructose corn syrup hiding in your foods. A lot of processed foods contain processed sugars. Rats won’t eat these


(10) Diabetes will ruin a good Dick.

Your husband may go by the name Richard, but is man-staff won’t operate properly with Diabetes. Allowing him to eat fast processed foods is unhealthy and against the moral teachings of many churches.
Twenty to fifty-five minutes a day of vigorous unprotected sex can brighten anyone’s mood. Unless they aren't traditional married. Then it will rot the insides out and you’re better off just tossing up a salad or something.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Drones are Everywhere...Want One?

Drones Could Replace Eager Youths On Paper Routes
re posted from

Innovation in newspaper delivery techniques hasn't really seemed like a priority in awhile because of the whole death of print thing and whatever. But since drones categorically improve all situations, a local French postal service is turning paper routes into air routes.
The postal service "La Poste Groupe" is using Auvergne, France as a test province for a new drone delivery program that will employ Parrot quadricopters to deliver local papers. Tests officially begin in May and will consist of 20 drones being controlled by 20 postal workers from iOS or Android devices. The goal is for the system to be ready for 7am deliveries.
The program faces problems with battery life and range, because the quadricopters only have a range of about 164 feet and 30 minutes of flight time. No word on whether privacy concerns are being viewed as...a concern

Saturday, November 2, 2013

WHERE'S the Coast Guards COMMON SENSE? Where's there is smoke there is Google!

Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.

Mystery Barge, Treasure Island, Coast Guard, Huck Finn?


update  saturday nov. 9 2013

This past week, Google brass voiced a bit of byte displeasure at revelations coming from the "Bugs Bunny" of the surveillance state—intelligence provocateur general Edward Snowden—that the NSA has been going into the fiber optic cables deep under the ocean to tap data being ferried byGoogle and Yahoo!. Meanwhile, a mystery ship (barge actually) turned up in San Francisco Bay and has been attributed to Google's far flung (and often curious) ventures. Could the barge be a solution to interference from the NSA, allowing Google to ferry data across the world's oceans by a team of gondaliers with GPS-enabled Google Glass out of the reach of the government?

Is the mystery ship a floating home for Snowden to keep him free of government prisons—who was rumored this past week to be in line for a job at a tech giant (OK, a tech giant in Russia), or merely one more way to find real estate for Google servers, with data centers soon to eclipse the Queen of England, Donald Trump and Ted Turner as real estate's biggest landowner? In the 1970s, the major U.S. utilities had a plan to put nuclear power plants on the seas, so why not data centers, especially for Google, which is already involved in an ambitious plan to lay an electric grid backbone deep under the ocean for energy generated by offshore wind farms.

Or, is Google preparing for the end of the world? After all, these are apocalyptic times. The new book on the cold war management of nuclear stores from Eric Schlosser shows just how close, and how often, the Soviet Union and U.S., came to mistakenly initiating the launch code. So you never know ...

The mystery surrounding the barge under construction near Treasure Island took another turn Friday when television station KPIX, quoting unnamed sources familiar with the project, claimed the box-like structure will house luxury showrooms and a party deck for tech giant Google to market Google Glass and other gadgets to invitation-only clients.

The station’s sources claim it’s part of a fleet of fancy floating showrooms being built around the country in an attempt by Google to upstage Apple and its popular retail outlets. The project has been planned for over a year and is coming out of Google X, the company’s innovation clearinghouse, these sources said.

High-end showrooms for wealthy clients marks the latest sure-why-not theory to float around media circles since last Friday, when word of the strange four-story barge made of shipping containers first spread across the Internet. The L.A. Times reported Friday that the barge, thought to be registered to Google shell company By and Large LLC, is actually registered to a firm in Spokane, Wash., that produces special events for corporations and other clients. According to the lease, the purpose was “fabrication of a special event structure and art exhibit only and for no other purpose” — which would seem to verify the need for a party deck.

So far everyone directly involved with the project has been sworn to secrecy — including the Coast Guard — which only adds to the mystery. Previous speculation had centered on a floating data center powered by waves, which Google filed a patent for several years ago. A similar barge is under construction in Portland, Maine, and no one up there seems to know what it’s all about either.

Google, as been its habit, continues to decline comment. So stay tuned. This is all sure to unravel at some point.

Google Glass $$$

Reports are speculating that Google Inc. is behind a facility being built on a barge docked at Treasure Island, and that it could be a floating data center or a Google Glass store.
CNET reported Friday that Google was likely the entity building the structure, though the company would not comment.
Reports say a similar structure is being built in Portland, Maine, on a barge owned by the same company as the one in San Francisco Bay.
Further reports have speculated that Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) may be following up on efforts to build offshore data centers, or is working on a novel type of store for its Google Glass


CECILIA ABADIE has set a dubious precedent. She's become the first person to be fined for driving a vehicle while wearing Google Glass.
Abadie was pulled over by a California Highway Patrol officer on Tuesday evening as she drove home from work in San Diego. The 'Google Explorer' - so called because she is one of a group of early adopters who have been given pre-release copies of the internet-enabled eyewear - was told initially she had been stopped for speeding. But when the officer noticed she was wearing Glass, he gave her a ticket that said she had violated California Vehicle Code 27602a.
The statute makes it illegal for a motorist to "drive a motor vehicle if a television receiver, a video monitor, or a television or video screen, or any other similar means of visually displaying a television broadcast or video signal that produces entertainment or business applications, is operating".
Google Glass, when it is activated, displays information and images in a virtual display projected at the edge of the user's field of vision. Abadie, who posted a copy of her traffic ticket on her Google+ page, says she is considering fighting the citation in court because her Google Glass was not switched on at the time of the incident.
"I was wearing it because I do wear it all day, but I was not using it," she told San Diego TV station 10 news. "A lot of people don't understand how the device works... and the fact that you're wearing it even if the device is turned on doesn't mean that you're watching it or using it actively."
Abadie's Google+ post attracted more than 500 responses, many of which called on her to pursue the matter.
"Please, please, please fight this in court," wrote a Google+ user called Matt Abdou. "We need to get a ruling on this. I'm sure we can get a good collection together to pay for a proper attorney." · 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

WHERES OUR COMMON SENSE ...We trust these corp with everything we have?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, the Washington Post reported, citing documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

According to a secret accounting dated Jan. 9, 2013, NSA sends millions of records every day from Yahoo and Google internal networks to data warehouses at the agency's Fort Meade, Md., headquarters. In the last 30 days, field collectors had processed and sent back more than 180 million new records — ranging from "metadata," which would indicate who sent or received emails and when, to content such as text, audio and video, the Post reported Wednesday on its website.

The new details about the NSA's access to Yahoo and Google data centers around the world come at a time when Congress is reconsidering the government's collection practices and authority, and as European governments are responding angrily to revelations that the NSA collected data on millions of communications in their countries. Details about the government's programs have been trickling out since Snowden shared documents with the Post and Guardian newspaper in June.

The NSA's principal tool to exploit the Google and Yahoo data links is a project called MUSCULAR, operated jointly with the agency's British counterpart, GCHQ. The Post said NSA and GCHQ are copying entire data flows across fiber-optic cables that carry information between the data centers of the Silicon Valley giants.

White House officials and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees the NSA, declined to comment, the Post said.

At Yahoo, a spokeswoman told the Post: "We have strict controls in place to protect the security of our data centers, and we have not given access to our data centers to the NSA or to any other government agency."

In a statement to the Post, Google said it was "troubled by allegations of the government intercepting traffic between our data centers, and we are not aware of this activity." Getting free access to Google's data center traffic means the NSA has bypassed Google's "gold standard" security, the Post said.

The MUSCULAR project documents state that this collection from Yahoo and Google has led to key intelligence leads, the paper said.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Where's Findlay* Ohio's Common Sense? Too Late to show up Alive Your Dead!

FINDLAY, Ohio (AP) — A man who disappeared decades ago is finding out there's no easy way to come back from the dead.

Donald Miller Jr. went to court this week to ask a county judge to reverse a 1994 ruling that declared him legally dead after he had vanished from his home eight years earlier. But the judge turned down his request, citing a three-year time limit for changing a death ruling.
Hancock County Probate Court Judge Allan Davis called it a "strange, strange situation."

"We've got the obvious here. A man sitting in the courtroom, he appears to be in good health," said Davis, who told Miller the three-year limit was clear.

"I don't know where that leaves you, but you're still deceased as far as the law is concerned," the judge said.

Miller resurfaced about eight years ago and went to court so that he could get a driver's license and reinstate his Social Security number.
His ex-wife had opposed the move, saying she doesn't have the money to repay the Social Security benefits that were paid out to her and the couple's two children after Miller was declared dead.

Robin Miller said her former husband vanished because he owed big child support payments and that the overdue payments had totaled $26,000 by 1994, The (Findlay) Courier reported.

Miller, 61, told the judge that he disappeared in the 1980s because he had lost his job and he was an alcoholic. He lived in Florida and Georgia before returning to Ohio around 2005.

His parents told him about his "death" when he came back to the state, he said.

"It kind of went further than I ever expected it to," Miller said. "I just kind of took off, ended up in different places."

Miller's attorney said he may be able to challenge the Social Security Administration in federal court, but does not have the financial resources to do so.

Information from: The Courier,

* I grew up in Findlay Onio it is a Wonderful Place to Live You couldn't do any better!