Showing posts with label table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label table. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2013

10 Reasons Women Should Cook Dinner


(1) Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing happy faces at the dinner table.

When a woman has taken the care to provide a warm home cooked meal instead of sitting on her fat can all day updating her facebook status or blogging about the latest viral topic, family values win. She can be confident in her efforts. Studies show that facebook is a depressant. For women, it is important to avoid self-defeating behaviors like facebook.
People on the internet will attempt to divert her attention, perhaps even engage her. Women are very intrigued by drama and may soon forget her real duties to make a delicious meal for her family.
Like all circles of pain, the cycle of grief from dashed dinner expectations is repeated over and over until children are left hollow eyed and empty. No woman should allow something as insignificant as the internet stand between dinner and her children.
Children only have one childhood. The internet has both ones and zeros.

Save on clean-up time by sharing dinner duties with a friend. Avoid skanky whores that just want to talk about how handsome and successful your husband is. Lace their pudding with some laxative sprinkles to shut that shade down.


(2) From the womb to the tomb, it is a woman’s obligation to serve delicious meals on time and in quantities that satisfy her husband and family.

When a man and woman marry, two become one household. As the woman, you will be carrying the family heritage in your belly soon. Even if a woman is a single mother, providing for the progeny is a natural law that even cats follow.
Numerous stories can be found where cats have courageously fought bears, large dogs or fire to save starving kittens. Everyone has observed at least one mother cat rummaging through a dumpster for a few morsels of food. A woman’s instinct for survival should be laser focused on caring for the family.
If it isn’t, there’s something wrong with her. Fixing dinner should be a primary, not secondary priority.

(3) Aprons are Woman’s Confidence Builders for a Strong Marriage.

Marriage is not just about sex. Yes, many preparation and cleaning kitchen duties like dish washing can be performed naked in a way similar to sex, but with knives and chemicals it is probably not safe to do so.
Wearing an apron gives an air of authority. Like a military uniform, a lady is the guardian of the keep. Her sword may be a butcher’s blade, but she is no desk jockey. She commands an army of appliances with leadership. Pride is something that arms her.
Cooking dinner, meeting that deadline day after day builds confidence in a woman. She’s her own boss, the decider of the kitchen. If she can succeed there, she can do anything!

No-No Mommy Blogger – Don’t serve your family fried chicken from some drive thru place. You are putting your family at risk! Get off your can, don’t plop down a bucket!


(4) Women are less likely to become unhinged, or crazy, if they cook dinner regularly.

Trying to swim against the current of instinct and obligation is damaging. A woman’s brain and endocrine systems are not sufficiently developed for such tasks. The stress of missing dinner preparation on a regular basis is a primary cause of fatigue in women.
With so much at stake, why do women fail their families?
Unfortunately, many women will cast aside dinner duty for “fun” activities like engaging in gossip, snide remarks or body shaming on the Internet  Some will spend their time creating drama for their next social hissy fit, talking on the telephone. It is no consequence that the number of emotional outbursts have increased in the past few years. Part of avoiding emotive flash bombs is to take care the physical needs.

(5) Women are mental creatures with physical needs.

One of a woman’s needs is to be a lively, productive part of a healthy family. Health begins with fuel or nourishment. Those bellies don’t fill themselves, Mrs. Mammy-Blogger. It is up to a wife and mother to provide that fuel, and not with that cheap stuff. A premium lady and her family need premium fuel.
Luckily, premium doesn't mean expensive to Daddy’s pocketbook.
Cooking at home means less financial cost. Ladies in the kitchen, can save time and money with home prepared meals. Fresh fruits and vegetables, in season, are usually available at the market. Canning when at the peak of harvest means less salt and sugar. Observing other helpful tips like not wearing shoes in the kitchen saves on floor wear.

(6) Eating out is for whores and ladies without a good man to cook for.

Several trends in food preparation have caused more harm than good. A fungal like replication of fast food sources across America has left very little variety and poor food choices. High fat and salt content means that those mayonnaise heavy casseroles of the 60's and 70's are positively healthy today.
If you’re going to put this food in your body, make it count for everybody. Make something nourishing rather than just fast!

(7) Fast foods are often sprinkled with rat droppings or condiments like male sex juice.

The US federal government and some sovereign states have rules for food safety. These rules are prohibitive for business. Food companies must pay workers less in order to make a profit under these rules. The workers in turn become angry and drop a rat or two in that vat of spaghetti sauce headed to your table. Isn’t it better to make these things at home rather than risk being a victim of jackboot federal regulation?
Even a burger from a locally sourced diner can be laced with the sexual ju-ju from a worker employed under a penal release jobs program. As the customer, you cannot choose who assembles your quarter jack bacon tower. It could be a potted up teen or an angry immigrant. Both are known for chronic masturbation and poor hygiene.It is better to cook and prepare at home and avoid being a victim of international conflict or pregnancy.

(8) Preparing a meals yourself leads to a more honest and authentic life.

Too many overly modern ladies have accepted the myth of Wonder Woman. Women are not born with secret powers. There is no such thing as a golden truth lasso. Although an accomplished cook can woo a man into telling the truth. Chicken fried steak with white peppered gravy, green beans, fried potatoes and a slice of spice cake is the key to keeping marriage honest, especially when followed with a bouncy round of barefoot sex in the kitchen. Remember to wait an hour, don’t want to get cramps.Imagine the proud housewife that has this on the table.

(9) Cooking at home is more healthy.

It is a common myth that American’s eat more healthily today than in decades past. Consider the fact that we have fewer fat people in America today than in the 1970's. That might have been due to the drugs, but even druggies cooked a meal instead of ordering a pizza. Also, while the extrusion process for Funyun manufacture was developed in 1969, the cultural pop wave did not take root until the 1990's. Sales of the snack food were mostly in the South west region.
Watch out for high fructose corn syrup hiding in your foods. A lot of processed foods contain processed sugars. Rats won’t eat these


(10) Diabetes will ruin a good Dick.

Your husband may go by the name Richard, but is man-staff won’t operate properly with Diabetes. Allowing him to eat fast processed foods is unhealthy and against the moral teachings of many churches.
Twenty to fifty-five minutes a day of vigorous unprotected sex can brighten anyone’s mood. Unless they aren't traditional married. Then it will rot the insides out and you’re better off just tossing up a salad or something.