Showing posts with label CSU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSU. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

***Updated*** California is back in the Black ...Is He headed towards the White?

Tax haul outruns forecast



A reminder that Gov. Jerry Brown will be delivering his State of the State address tomorrow, starting at 9 a.m. in the Assembly Chambers

 State of the State address which will include:

"There's no question that California is back in the black, and this is all good news,"

California also set a single-day record Jan. 16 when the Franchise Tax Board received $2.2 billion in taxes, mostly in payments from the 6 percent of filers who pay quarterly rather than have money deducted from paychecks.

Brown this month proposed a budget that increases spending for education while mostly holding the line for other state programs.

The Senate leader has talked specifically about restoring dental benefits for low-income adults, which were cut during the recession.

If the state continues to see excess revenues, Williams said lawmakers should consider creating a large reserve as a buffer in case today's big payments result in shortfalls later. Like others, Williams has warned for years about the dangers of tax volatility.

Gov. Jerry Brown is thrusting himself into the federal fight over creating a "pathway to citizenship" for millions of undocumented immigrants who entered the United States illegally.

"I expect to play a role in the national effort for comprehensive reform," Brown said in a statement released by his office Thursday. "I'll be directing some efforts on national reform."

Gov. Jerry Brown may not have much in common with John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, but in the world of online education they appear to have a mutual friend.

Brown, a Democrat, has been lobbying the University of California and California State University systems to expand their online offerings. He concluded two days of meetings with UC regents today, and he is expected to attend a meeting of CSU trustees in Long Beach next week.

Gov. Jerry Brown's declaration Tuesday that California has solved its prison overcrowding problem is part of a bold move to wrest control of the nation's largest corrections system back from the federal courts and their appointed overseers.

What he won't talk about:

State legislators billed taxpayers more than $450,000 for on-the-job driving in the last legislative year, but officials won't say where the lawmakers went.

The Legislature began reimbursing members for work-related travel in their personal cars, including trips from their home to the Capitol, in Dec. 2011, after a program providing state-leased cars to members was cut by the Citizens Compensation Commission. The change saved taxpayers nearly $240,000 in its first year, a Bee analysis found.

The mileage reimbursements varied significantly by member, however. Some legislators declined to seek reimbursement, while others received large sums for driving thousands of miles for legislative or other official business. While some of the members logging the most miles represent vast, rural districts within driving distance of the Capitol, others from geographically compact districts in Southern California also racked up thousands of dollars in reimbursement costs.



Brown has been undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. The governor's office said last month that it expected treatment to be completed this week.


"Not as much hair, I’m slowed down a little bit. But I have to tell you, I ran three miles in 29 minutes two nights ago ... and I hereby challenge Gov. Christie to a three-mile race, a push up contest and a chin-up contest. And whatever he wants to bet, I have no doubt of the outcome."

– in remarks after New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Brown an "old retread”


"You’re going to hear so much that I wouldn't miss it if I were you." 

StatsDemocrat, Oakland, CABirth date: April 7, 1938Occupation: Governor Education: Law degree, Yale Law School ; bachelor's degree in classics, University of California, BerkeleyResidence: Oakland Experience: Attorney general, 2007-present; mayor of Oakland, 1999-2007; Chairman, the California Democratic Party, 1989-91; California governor, 1975-82; secretary of state, 1971-75; Los Angeles Community College trustee, 1969-70Re