There are 13 leaves on the branch that the eagle is carrying in its talons.
There is an alien being at the far left corner of the pyramid behind the shrub! The shrub is there to disguise but its there- use a good quality magnifying glass
If you look at the 4th line up on the pyramid you will see "forever Alone"
There are also 13 bow and arrows in the eagles talons
If you turn the 1 dollar bill backwards at the left of the pyramid(and right of the eagle) you can see designs,grab one of the ends and bring it to the other design.Get one of the parts that look like eyes and put it over the other one.
The eagle is carrying 13 arrows
The seal on the dollar bill is not the Great Seal of the United States. It's actually the great seal of the Illuminati The year 1776 on the dollar bill does not represent the Declaration of Independence either. It was the year of the beginning of the Illuminati(May 1, 1776)
If u make a 6 pointed star on the triangle on the back of the dollar bill. you will connect the letter A, S,N,M,O. and u know what that spells? MASON!!! coincidence
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